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Looking for a coach to help you birth your new business baby or creative project?

Imagine how different your life could look… In three months time…. One year from now…. Or even one month from today.

What would it look like if you stopped thinking about starting a business and actually did it!

Imagine how different your life could be. Imagine being able to sit and drink a cup of coffee on your front porch on the mornings. No stressful commute, or fighting longs lines at the pick up window at Starbucks.

Imagine the satisfaction of getting paid for the work you are a genius at. Without being chained to a desk and a nine-five office - for the next 40 years of your life..

Imagine never needing to set a 5am alarm for work ever again.

  • No more 8am meetings.

  • No more cranky co-workers.

  • No more rush-hour commutes ever again.

Hi, my name is Mariko Brenner and I am a coach for creative humans who want to get started with your business or creative project.

As an entrepreneur with over 15 + years of experience with running, managing and operating my own LLC I’ve had diverse opportunities to design, market and launch a wide verity of physical products, custom services, and digital courses.

So what does it look like to coach with me?

By the first week of working together:

you will know exactly the steps to take to form your own LLC.

By the end of month one:

you will have a clear outline of your business model and a road map to act as a north star for your business.

By month three you will feel confident and ready to go.

You will have the structure for your business

and the confidence for success.

And if you know that you are ready to start your business in 2024 I have something that just might interest you….

From now until December 1st, I am offering $2,222 off the normal price for my three month business coaching container.

Instead of paying $3,333 to work with me, I am offering a crazy good value until the end of this month.

So if your apply to work with me and your application is accepted you will be eligible to receive a one time discount of $2222 making your full investment for this offer a single one time payment of $1111 or 4 payments of $299.

Q. never hired a coach before. how does your application process work?

Easy. Just click the link to fill out your APPLICATION.

I will ask you a few brief questions to determine if you are in the right place where business coaching it a match for your current goals. You will also be directed to schedule a brief call with me to make sure we are a match to work together. If your application is accepted then simply show up for the call so that you can get a feel for how I work and if business coaching with me is the right match for you.

I will never pressure you to work with me.

Q. Can I apply to work with your now and differ my start date until after the holidays.

A. Yes in oder to get the best pricing on this offering please complete your application as soon as possible before 12:00 AM EST of December 1st 2023, and let me know in your application or on our call that you would like to defer your coaching start date to January of 2024.

Q. Do you offer payment plans?

A. Yes I offer a four month payment plan as well as a pay in full option.

Q. Do you only work with women in your business?

A. No, I work with creative humans (meaning everyone) who is ready to start a business now. I’ve coached women, men, and none binary entrepreneurs, all with great success.

Q. Who do you not work with?

A. I do not work with people who are looking unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. People who are unwilling to take action in order to get results, and with people who are looking for a done for you service instead of a coach.

Q How do I know if I coaching with you is right for me?

A. I only work with people who are a good fit throughout my application process and who are are ready to take action and excited to work with me after completing their application process.

Human connection, mutual respect and trust are not just nice to have in a coach and client relationship, these qualities are a the fabric of what makes a successful coach and client relationship.

If you do not feel human connection, mutual respect and trust in every step of the process of hiring a coach then you have every right to pause. However this is different from working with a coach who will ask your to lean into fear and take the necessary steps to achieving your dream. Starting a business is something that should cause some edges to get pushed, it will challenge you, and expand you to bring out the best of your abilities.

Starting a new business should feel kind of like like getting a promotion, or traveling on the dusty side streets of a strange new city in a foreign county where you don’t yet know your way around and everything feels fresh, new and exciting.

Q. When is the best time to begin?

the best time to start a business was ten years ago. The second best time to start is now.

How much time do I need to devote to coaching and starting my business in the beginning?

A. The answer will be different for each person depending on your business goals but in general you will want to commit to a minimum of 1-4 hours per week. The equivalent of cutting out TV or Social media time one evening per week.

Is there anything also I should know before starting?

If you're are a match for my three month program and are ready to do the work of starting your business, then I can’t wait to meet you!
